League Rules Overview
Discover comprehensive details on league regulations and guidelines for a smooth and fair competition.
The purpose of the CBA shall be to promote Christianity through good fellowship and clean, wholesome sports activities. All participants acting in a Christian-like manner while representing their church can achieve this.
Men who are members of or who are staff members in the church whose team they are playing for are eligible.
Each team may have two outside players who do not meet the previous requirement.
Participants must be 18 years of age or older, and must be out of high school.
A player who meets the above qualifications may be added to the roster at any time, but must sit out the next game after being added to the roster.
A player, whose team drops from the League, may join another team and carry his eligibility with him.
A player must remain (may NOT switch teams during the season) with the team whose roster his name is listed on at the beginning of the season.
A player who wishes to transfer from one team to another team, when both teams remain members of the League, must sit out an entire season before joining the other team.
A coach who has a player leave the team or church he is playing for should have this player's name removed from the team's roster. This will help to eliminate any confusion when that team's roster is verified for eligibility.
The league will be under the general supervision of the League Committee, which will include one representative from each team. The League Committee will be responsible for electing the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will be comprised of the League Officers (President, Vice-President, and Treasurer) and six additional people from within the membership of the League. The League Officerswill be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the league. All decisions on matters not covered by written regulations or any appeal of rules shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee. The League Officers shall make the final decision in any review of rules, regulations, ejections or appeals made to the Executive Committee. It takes a majority of the Executive Committee to make rule changes.
The 2025 season consists of ten to eleven regular season games and a single elimination tournament. Teams will be seeded for the tournament according to their won-loss record. Any team that forfeits three (3) games will NOT be allowed to participate for the remainder of the season NOR in the tournament.
In the case of ties, head-to-head competition will be looked at, looking first at won-loss records between the teams.
A player must be present for at least five games to be eligible to play in the tournament. This includes a new player sitting out the first game. Each player is responsible to see that he is checked off in the scorebook as having been present at the game.
There can be no more than twenty players on a roster. Coaches should make all roster changes through the designated Executive Committee Member.
The scorekeepers will report all ejections to the League President. Unsportsmanlike-like conduct towards the referees or other players may result in an ejection. Foul language may result in an ejection. Arguing with a referee following a game may result in an ejection. Grabbing the net and/or hanging on the net or rim at any time at any gym will result in an ejection of that player! Any damage done by a player grabbing the net and/or hanging on the net or rim will be the responsibility of the church for whose team he is playing for.
Any instances of unsportsmanlike-like conduct or poor personal behavior beyond the jurisdiction of the referees will be reported to the League President and will be reviewed by The Executive Committee for possible disciplinary action.
Should a player be ejected from a game, he will be ineligible to participate in his team's next game.
If he is ejected a second time, he will be ineligible to participate in his team's next two games.
All players who have been ejected must leave the premises before the game may continue.
Should a player not leave promptly the officials may forfeit the game for his team.
A player who is ineligible to participate for disciplinary reasons may not be at any gym (premises) during game times.
All ejections will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and may result in disciplinary action beyond that specified by the League rules.
The scheduled starting times for games are shown on the season schedule.
There will be a ten-minute grace period for the first game of each week only.
There must be a five-minute warm-up period before the start of the each game and no game will start before its scheduled time.
The ten minute grace period also applies only to the first game of any tournament games, and there must also be a five minute warm-up period before each following game.
No tournament game will start before its scheduled starting time.
No team can start a game with less than five players, but must start on time if five players are present.
There will be no protest of any game.
To start the game the home team will use the bench to the scorekeeper's right and will use the goal to the scorekeeper's left.
The game and any overtime periods will start (high school rule) with a jump ball at center court. Teams will then alternate possession of the ball on all held ball situations.
Each team will be given four (4) time-outs per game.
These time-outs may be used at any time during the game.
If an overtime period should occur, each team will be given one time out per overtime plus any unused time-outs.
Each game will consist of two 20 minute halves with a four minute overtime period if necessary.
The clock will run continually except the last two minutes of each half when the clock will stop for all dead ball situations.
However, once a 30 point lead has been established the clock will continue to run even during the last two minutes of each half until the difference falls below 20 points.
During a game no one should be at the scorekeeper's table unless he is a player waiting to enter the game. To enter the game a player must report to the official at the scorekeeper's table. The official on the court will notify the player when he can enter the game.
In order to participate in any games a player must have a team jersey (reversible) the same color as his teammates and the jersey must have a legal number on the front and back.
Team jerseys must have the church's name and/or team name on the front.
Player numbers can also be on the front.
Only the players number and/or his name on the back.
Legal numbers are as follows:
ALL NUMBERS ranging from 0-99 are legal
00 is also a legal number.
Numbers on the front of the jersey should be a minimum of 4 inches and those on the back should be a minimum of 6 inches.
Numbers should also match the team's color scheme.
Any shirts worn under team jerseys must be the same color among all players of the team.
Regular Season MVP
The player who put up the most impressive stats and was a intricate part of their team's success will be awarded the Regular Season MVP Award.
CBA League Champions
The winner of the post-season tournament will be crowned CBA Champions.
The team will receive a championship banner and a championship trophy for their church.
Each player on the roster as well as the coaches will receive a championship ring.
CBA League Runner-ups
The runner-up of the post-season tournament will be named CBA Runner-Ups.
The team will receive a runner-up banner and a runner-up trophy for their church.
Each player on the roster as well as the coaches will receive a runner-up medal.
Championship Game MVP
The most valuable player of the championship game, on the championship winning team, will be awarded an MVP Ring.
** Current high school rules will be used to govern the league and its games, unless otherwise specified in the preceding paragraphs.